Davis quoted in article on "de-carbonizing" industries

AirUCI faculty Steve Davis is quoted in an article on Grist on the challenge of de-carbonizing certain industries.  For shipping, flying, long-haul trucking, and manufacturing materials like steel and cement, among others, it's often not technologically or economically feasible for these companies to use cleaner sources of energy.  Add to this the fact that they also emit large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, they are proving difficult to de-carbonize.  However, Steve is proposing methods for capturing and sequestering the carbon they generate, as well as moving toward utilizing substitute ingredients in the manufacture of such products as steel and cement.
Changing these formulas is risky, since steel and cement underpin the built environment. “We don’t really want to play around with the recipe and then see a building fall down,” said Steve, adding that demonstration projects are key.  Read the article

Monday, February 1, 2021