Davis quoted in National Geographic article on power plants

AirUCI faculty Steve Davis is extensively quoted in an article in National Geographic that discusses his study, which was published in Nature, on the number of fossil fuel power plants currently built (as well as cars, factories, and buildings).  If these operate normally for their expected life spans, the CO2 generated will almost certainly exceed the 1.5 degrees C (2.7 degrees F) goal of the Paris Climate Accords. 
“Our study is dead simple,” said Steve.  To limit warming to 1.5°C., not only should no new fossil-fuel-using infrastructure be built, ever again, some existing power plants need to shut down early—and yet today many new power plants are under construction.
Read the article
Read the New Atlas article on this study which also quotes AirUCI postdoc Dan Tong

Monday, July 1, 2019