Davis quoted in Reuters article

A Reuters article dated March 11, 2020 discussed potential setbacks to global climate agreements due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus and the collapse in oil prices.  Historically, difficult financial times, such as the current shutdown of economies worldwide, have pushed environmental concerns aside in favor of economic growth.  AirUCI faculty Steve Davis is quoted about his recent publication in the science journal Nature Communications.
The great recession's impact in the United States was particularly marked, with CO2 emissions falling 10% between 2007-2009, due to factors including less consumption of goods and services, Steve said, and the subsequent growth in U.S. usage of natural gas helped suppress the rebound. “The conclusion that the Great Recession helped decrease emissions is still true,” he said, “but that’s not the way we want to win the war on climate change.”       Read the article

Wednesday, March 11, 2020