
Here's the latest news from AirUCI — our events, our people, our science.



Wednesday, April 1, 2020

AirUCI faculty Doug Tobias, chair of UCI's Chemistry Department, is lending his expertise in molecular modeling to a new research endeavor to blunt effects of the COVID-19 virus.  Prof. Rachel Martin is leading the team, comprised of several Chemistry faculty, who are applying their knowledge of cysteine proteases (proteins and enzymes) to come up with inhibitor strategies to block those enzymes in this new coronavirus.
Rachel explains that viruses don’t have many genes, so they need to be very efficient with their resources; that’s why they highjack mammalian cells to do their bidding. A common viral strategy is to express all of their proteins at once in a long string, then a molecule called a protease cuts up the chain so the proteins can perform various functions – which ultimately sicken the host mammal.  “While it may not completely stop the virus like a vaccine could, blocking this action of the protease enzyme could be a step toward knocking the virus down and preventing it from causing such dire illnesses,” Martin says.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

AirUCI faculty Annmarie Carlton has released a public service announcement relating to COVID-19.  The nine-minute video does an excellent job of explaining the physics and mechanics of the virus' transmission and what blocks it.  Highly recommended for professionals and the public alike!  View the presentation

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

AirUCI faculty Steve Davis is quoted in a March 24th article in Newsweek Magazine on the effects of the response to the COVID virus on CO2 emissions worldwide.  "In recent years, we've emitted close to 500 tons of CO2 for every million dollars of global GDP, " says Steve. "If this ratio holds, a decline in world GDP can be expected to cause a proportional decrease in global CO2 emissions."   Read the article

Thursday, March 19, 2020

In a March 19th article in Mother Jones, AirUCI faculty Annmarie Carlton is cited among those striving to fight the COVID virus or ease its effects. In working to create online instruction for her classes, she built a simplified model using Google Trends and air quality data that she thinks is able to predict the spread of the disease in places where there are no tests at all. She describes being torn between refining this model and continuing to create online content for her classes so her students can make their own models one day.  Read the article



Monday, March 16, 2020

AirUCI faculty Steve Davis has published a paper in the journal Nature Food which is generating quite a lot of interest.  He and his team have modeled the value of reductions in ozone pollution on Californian agriculture, both historically and projected into the future.  Ground ozone levels have a negative effect on yields, but past ozone reductions have improved yields of certain crops by as much as 20% although estimates of current damages are still $1 billion per year.  Using the results of this study, it is now possible to estimate potential region- and crop-specific agricultural benefits of various energy-emissions scenarios,
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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

A Reuters article dated March 11, 2020 discussed potential setbacks to global climate agreements due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus and the collapse in oil prices.  Historically, difficult financial times, such as the current shutdown of economies worldwide, have pushed environmental concerns aside in favor of economic growth.  AirUCI faculty Steve Davis is quoted about his recent publication in the science journal Nature Communications.
The great recession's impact in the United States was particularly marked, with CO2 emissions falling 10% between 2007-2009, due to factors including less consumption of goods and services, Steve said, and the subsequent growth in U.S. usage of natural gas helped suppress the rebound. “The conclusion that the Great Recession helped decrease emissions is still true,” he said, “but that’s not the way we want to win the war on climate change.”       Read the article

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Alison Bain, graduate student at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, will be joining the Nizkorodov group as a visiting Junior Specialist from March 1 through June 30, 2020.  She will conduct studies of optical properties of atmospheric aerosol particles and other topics in atmospheric chemistry as part of her guided graduate research.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

AirUCI faculty Kim Fortun is cited in an article on about the crisis of methamphetamine use in rural and disaffected America.  Her concept of "late industrialism" describes the current era as "a time when many workers are overextended and living in precarity," when every social class and region is affected by such events as factories closing, jobs migrating overseas, and few remaining options for the populations left behind.  Read the article

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Jon Abbatt, AirUCI collaborator and former Fulbright Fellow with our institute, has been awarded the highest honor of the Chemical Institute of Canada, the 2020 CIC Award!  This prestigious prize is presented for having made an outstanding contribution to the science of chemistry or chemical engineering in Canada. A professor at the University of Toronto, Jon collaborates with several AirUCI faculty, continuing the work he began as our Fulbright Fellow.  Way to go, Jon!
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Saturday, February 1, 2020

AirUCI faculty Jack Brouwer is quoted in the February 1, 2020 issue of Scientific American in an article about reducing carbon based energy sources. Renewable hydrogen is replacing natural gas in European towns and has great potential to be a major source of power for segments of the worldwide economy that cannot simply plug into a big electrical outlet, such as heavy transport. “Far too many people have been misled into believing that electrification is the entire [carbon] solution,” says Jack, who has been engineering solutions to our region’s dirty air for more than two decades. “And many of our state agencies and legislators have bought in,” without considering how to solve energy storage or to fuel industry, he says, however the new push is to decarbonize electric grids and heavy industry rather than transportation.  Read the article
