
Here's the latest news from AirUCI — our events, our people, our science.



Wednesday, May 10, 2017

AirUCI faculty Rufus Edwards is quoted in Time Magazine in an article on air purifiers and their efficacy and safety.  He recommends choosing a device or filter certified by the California Environmental Protection Agency’s Air Resources Board.
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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

AirUCI faculty Doug Tobias has been recognized by British Royal Society of Chemistry, winning their Soft Matter / Biophysical Award.  Way to go, Doug!

Monday, May 1, 2017

AirUCI grad student Mallory Hinks of the Nizkorodov group has been offered the American Institute for Physics Congressional Science Fellowship, and she will start her career in science policy in Washington, D.C. in the fall... congratulations, Mallory!

Monday, April 3, 2017

AirUCI faculty Jack Brouwer, associate director of AirUCI's partner institute APEP, announced that their research on power-to-gas technology potentially holds the ability to dramatically increase the use of intermittent renewable energy.  In partnership with Southern California Gas Company, APEP has demonstrated that the UC Irvine campus microgrid could increase the portion of renewable energy it uses from 3.5% to 35% by implementing a power-to-gas strategy. 
"With power-to-gas technology, you don’t need to stop renewable power generation when demand is low. Instead, the excess electricity can be used to make hydrogen that can be integrated into existing natural gas pipeline infrastructure and stored for later use," says Jack.  “This research clearly shows that power-to-gas technology can increase the use of renewable energy and should be an important component in meeting California’s clean energy and greenhouse-gas reduction goals,” says Jeff Reed, director of business strategy and advanced technology at SoCalGas.
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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

AirUCI faculty Steven Davis is working to map the migration of air pollution risk to regions far from factories that produce the pollution.  “Previous studies proved that air pollution can travel great distances and cause harm far from emitting factories,” Steve says. “Our research shows that trade extends the distance between cause and effect by separating consumers in one region and people who suffer adverse health impacts, who are often on the other side of the world.”
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Read the article in Science Magazine

Thursday, March 9, 2017

AirUCI faculty Filipp Furche's work is the basis for a collaborative study of plutonium with Los Alamos National Laboratory.  This finding uncovered a significant new chemical attribute of plutonium—the identification and structural verification of the +2 oxidation state in a molecular system—and marks out plutonium, already known for its extremely complex chemistry, as the actinide element with the largest number of confirmed oxidation states.
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Thursday, March 9, 2017

AirUCI's Mallory Hinks, graduate student in the Nizkorodov group. has been awarded a fellowship from the UCI Chancellor’s Club Fund for Excellence. These fellowships are designed to recognize and reward some of UCI's most gifted graduate students. Congratulations, Mallory!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The research group of AirUCI faculty Michael Prather has found that the combination of prolonged hot spells with poor air quality greatly compounds the negative effects of each and can pose a major risk to human health.  Prather’s group made the findings after examining 15 years of surface observations (1999-2013) for the eastern United States and Canada.
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Sunday, March 5, 2017

In honor of the 30th anniversary of Women's History Month, UCI's web site listed a number of UC Irvine women faculty who excel in their fields and AirUCI co-Director Barbara Finlayson-Pitts was featured among them.  Well deserved, and congratulations, Barbara!      View article

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Nitrogen trifluoride, or NF3, is a key chemical agent used to manufacture certain types of photovoltaic cells for solar panels, as well as semiconductors and LCD flat screens.  NF3 is thought to be 17,200 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas, according to the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.  An article on quotes AirUCI faculty Michael Prather on the importance of tracking and ameliorating the effects of NF3.
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