Michael Fortun

Michael Fortun, anthropology associate professor, studies the contemporary sciences and scientists of genomics and, most recently, air pollution science. He’s interested in how air pollution affects people’s health and bodies, and how scientists, engineers, practitioners and community people all are trying to find new ways to work together to understand air pollution and its mass effects on humans. He researches what kinds of data infrastructures are being built and maintained – as well as those that need to be developed - to better deal with the biological, social and health aspects of consequences of air pollution.
He’s authored three books and more than 35 articles which have been featured in leading journals including Big Data and Society, Cultural Anthropology, Social Studies of Science, American Psychologist, and American Anthropologist, to name a few. His latest book, entitled Genomics with Care: Minding the Double Binds of Science (Duke University Press), was published in July 2023.
Synergystic Activities:
- American Anthropological Association
- Society for Cultural Anthropology
- Society for Social Studies of Science
Anthropology of science, air pollution science, data science, genetics, history of science, United States, Iceland