
International Collaborators

Noted international researchers are members of our AirUCI team, including:

U.S. Collaborators

National Lab and Agency Collaborators

We collaborate closely with researchers at U.S. agencies and two U.S. National Laboratories: Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL).  Our National Lab and agency partners include:


Fulbright Scholars

Our final Fulbright Fellow, Prof.Styliani Constas of the University of Western Ontario, arrived in early 2023 and finished her term at the end of June 2023.  Prof. Patrick Ayotte of the University of Sherbourg, Quebec, served from January 2022 to July 2022.  Prof. Thomas Colin Preston was with us from September through December 2021.  Our second Fulbright Scholar, Prof. Hind al-Abadleh of Wilfrid Laurier University, joined us from December 15, 2018 through April, 2019. Dr. Jonathan Abbatt of the University of Toronto was the inaugural Fulbright Scholar at the AirUCI Institute from January through April 2018.  All our Fulbright scholars conducted collaborative research projects with AirUCI groups as well as giving presentations to the campus science community and teaching an upper-level Chemistry course.  Visit our Fulbright page

Senior Science Advisor 

Dr. James N. Pitts, Jr. was an additional resource for our team from AirUCI's inception until his death on June 19, 2014 at the age of 93.  He was Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Riverside, co-founder and past director of the University of California Statewide Air Pollution Research Center, and was an AirUCI senior research chemist until the end.  He is greatly missed.    Visit the Jim Pitts memorial page
Read the Spectrum article about Jim's career

AirUCI Research Team

Much of our work is carried out by our talented research team, comprised of postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, and undergraduate students.  Our summer staff often includes chemistry teachers at the community college and high school levels who share with their students the latest research results from our projects.  In addition, we regularly host visiting researchers from outside institutions as we build on collaborations and conduct joint research projects.

Postdoctoral Researchers Research Specialists Ph.D. Candidates Undergraduates
  • Dr. Jing Cheng
  • Dr. Madeline Cooke
  • Dr. Clare Flynn
  • Dr. David Herman
  • Dr. Arturo Jimenez-Chavez
  • Dr. Natalia Karimova
  • Dr. Jessica Kelz
  • Dr. Dervla Meegan Kumar
  • Dr. Yue Li
  • Dr. Russell Morales-Rubio
  • Dr. John Patterson
  • Dr. Simone Pieber
  • Dr. Simon Rosanka
  • Dr. Meredith Schervish
  • Dr. Jon Wang
  • Mr. Michael Alvarado (Jr. Specialist)
  • Dr. Murat Aydin (Associate Researcher)
  • Dr. Barbara Barletta (Assistant Specialist)
  • Dr. Yang Chen (Associate Researcher)
  • Mr. Zachary Cornwell (Jr. Specialist)
  • Mr. Michael Ezell (Sr. Research Specialist)
  • Dr. Alfredo Frietes (Project Scientist)
  • Dr. Weiwei Fu (Project Scientist)
  • Dr. Aurora Gutierrez (Project Specialist)
  • Dr. David Herman (Project Scientist)
  • Dr. Pascale Lakey (Project Scientist) UK
  • Dr. Jin Hwan Lim (Associate Specialist)
  • Dr. Brent Love (Research Associate)
  • Dr. Michael MacKinnon (Sr. Research Scientist)
  • Dr. Shahir Masri (Associate Specialist)
  • Dr. Simone Meinardi (Associate Specialist)
  • Dr. Mingquan Mu (Project Scientist)
  • Dr. Veronique Perraud (Project Scientist)
  • Dr. Dmitrij Rappoport (Assistant Researcher)
  • Ms. Joyce Shin (Lab Manager)
  • Dr. Isobel Simpson (Associate Specialist)
  • Dr. Weihong Wang (Project Scientist)
  • Dr. Gloria Liu Weitz (Associate Researcher)
  • Dr. Lisa Wingen (Project Scientist)
  • Dr. Li Xu (Project Scientist)
  • Shayma al Ali

  • Jenn Campos Ayala

  • Jayveeritz Bautista

  • Candelaria Bergero

  • Bishop Bliss

  • Alyssa Burns

  • Jesus Campos

  • Tiffany Yin Ting Chiu

  • Elizabeth Hok Yee Choy

  • Zac Cornwell

  • Kristen Cramer

  • Caitlyn Cruz

  • Avery Dalton

  • Julie Devlin

  • Kasey Edwards

  • Savannah Ferretti

  • Margaux Fisher

  • Maria Angelica Flores

  • Samantha Frucht

  • Lena Gerritz

  • Kevin Gramajo-Aponte

  • Jessica Granger-Jones

  • Shan Gu

  • Anqi Jiao

  • Anthony Jue

  • Anna Kapp

  • Sukriti Kapur

  • Jinhyuk Kim

  • Bee Kittitananuvong

  • Mengyi Li

  • Xiaomeng Lin

  • Lucia Liu

  • Regina Luu

  • Vanessa Machuca

  • Sourav Majumdar

  • Marcus Marracci

  • Colleen Miller

  • Miranda Helena Miranda

  • Sanjeevi Nagalingam

  • Brian Nguyen

  • Kate Nguyen

  • Quinn Nguyen

  • Steven Nguyen

  • Lurui Niu

  • Lucas Optiz

  • Jasmine Osei-Enin

  • Kathleen Leon Parada

  • Gabe Phun

  • Praveen Prabhakar

  • John Proctor

  • Johanna Rinaman

  • Berenice Rojas

  • Luis Ruiz-Armenta

  • Jackson Ryan

  • Rizana Salim

  • Tim Schuetz

  • Jared Sexton

  • Ellie Smith

  • Yuanming Song

  • Haley Staudmyer

  • Yi Sun

  • Adam Thomas

  • Armando Vilchez

  • Jeremy Wakeen

  • Hui Wang

  • Allison Welch

  • Robert Weltman

  • Calum Wilson

  • Cindy Yanez

  • Matt Zaragoza

  • Yan Zhao

  • Christian Bautista

  • Cheyenne Begay

  • Colin Brown

  • Aiden Browne

  • Avisa Charmchi

  • Jacqueline Ferrer

  • Juan Flores

  • Luke Garcia

  • Jena Herbst

  • Mikayla Kaliski

  • Scott Le

  • Eleanor Miko

  • Patricia Morris

  • Kaneen Muldrow

  • Vy Nguyen

  • Jared Novelly

  • Tim Oeij

  • Katelyn Pacaud

  • Katherine Paredero

  • Maryam Parvinian

  • Helen Qin

  • Elijah Chad Rowe

  • Jack Shire

  • Sofia Stirone

Support Staff

Melissa Sweet, AirUCI Project Coordinator