
Part of AirUCI's mission is to share the results of our research with the general public by providing outreach opportunities.  This is done in addition to the many papers we publish in scientific journals that reach the scientific community and the multiple presentations we give each year at high-level scientific conferences.

We have hosted public lectures by noted scientists such as Astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson and others, and have provided numerous lab tours to student groups, organizations such as Science OC, Boy and Girl Scout troops, even visiting students from abroad.

Summer Research Posts at AirUCI

Research opportunities in the summer are available for several community college faculty.  Visiting faculty will work for 6 to 10 weeks with one of the AirUCI research groups and will participate fully in many aspects of the research.  A stipend is available to support these visitors during their stay.  Many years we are also able to make summer research positions available for high school teachers as well.  For details, contact Melissa Sweet at 949-824-2628.

Local Outreach

Depending on resources, AirUCI researchers may be available for local classroom presentations on topics related to atmospheric chemistry, such as air quality and how it relates to climate change, indoor and outdoor air pollution, careers in chemistry, and environmental issues.  We are often called upon to participate in educational science events such as Science Workshops, STEM Days or Science Fairs. 

These presentations are ideal for classes in Chemistry, Environmental Science, or other grade 7-12 science courses.  To arrange a classroom visit to your school or a tour of our labs, contact Melissa Sweet at 949-824-2628.

Past Outreach Events

Check our News page for recent outreach, and our Past Outreach Events page for older items not listed in our newer pages