AirUCI researchers publish key review article
AirUCI PI Sergey Nizkorodov, along with our PNNL collaborators Alex Laskin and Julia Laskin, wrote a featured article in the scientific journal Environmental Chemistry entitled "Mass spectrometric approaches for chemical characterization of atmospheric aerosols: critical review of most recent advances".
Mass spectrometry of atmospheric aerosols is a booming subject, with some 200-300 papers published in this area every year, and this article is a review of much of the research being done. In addition, several recent AirUCI researchers are noted in the article: Emily Bruns' ASAP method, Aline Gratien's surprising observation of making aromatic molecules in oxidation of alpha-pinene, and multiple papers by Tran Nguyen on analysis of isoprene SOA and limonene SOA and by Adam Bateman on limonene SOA. We're proud of AirUCI's contributions to this exciting field! Read the article