Mallory Hinks takes 2nd place in Carbon Slam
AirUCI's Mallory Hinks, graduate student in the Nizkorodov group, has won second place in the 2016 Carbon Slam competition, sponsored by the office of the President of the University of California. She not only represented our institute, but the entire UCI campus. This all-day event included talks by kickoff and keynote speakers, faculty climate champions, and top students from all 10 UC campuses working on understanding and communicating the impacts of climate change and finding solutions to mitigate those impacts.
Mallory had to present a three-minute, listener-engaging talk on the effects that aerosols have on climate change, and she used her own "MAGIC" to make it happen—Mallory’s Aerosol-Generating Irradiation Chamber creates aerosols in the laboratory, making them easier to study. Way to go, Mallory! Read the article