Nizkorodov receives Aldrich Award
AirUCI Co-Director Sergey Nizkorodov is the recipient of the 2021 Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr. Distinguished University Service Award. This prestigious award, established in 1990, is given to professors who are respected scholars and who have made outstanding contributions of service to the University of California and/or public service.
An outstanding contribution is not defined simply as having served on a large number of Senate Committees, although such may be one of the factors, but as service which leads to the betterment of the academic and/or personal lives of large segments of the University community. Sergey has an extensive history of such service, but a few of his recent examples in the Department of Chemistry include: Vice Chair for Academic Programs and Curriculum, Chair of the Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum, and Chair of the TA Assignment Committee. Examples of his service to the UCI campus include chairing the Subcommittee on Courses and Continuing Education, Science in Action faculty representative, and several panels involving everything from graduate research fellowships to the strategic plan for the School of Physical Sciences. In addition, he is Vice President of the American Association for Aerosol Research and is an Associate Editor of Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
This list only scratches the surface of all that Sergey does in addition to being AirUCI's Co-Director and a busy Professor of Chemistry with numerous grants and research projects to oversee. His dedication to the graduate student community is tireless and his results are excellent. We are thrilled that he has been recognized with this well-earned honor.