PCCP includes 3 AirUCI women in article
In honor of International Women’s Day on March 8th, the journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics published a feature article recognizing papers from women scientists around the world. They edited the article into a special themed collection posted on their LinkedIn account. Three of our papers were among those recognized, including the work on thermal program desorption mass spectrometry (TPD-MS) led by Kristen Johnson (recent AirUCI postdoc), computational work on matrix assisted in vacuum (MAIV) led by Styliani Constas (2023 AirUCI Fulbright Fellow) and Lisa Wingen (AirUCI Project Scientist), and the work on new particle formation from methanesulfonic acid reactions with monoethanolamine led by Veronique Perraud (AirUCI Project Scientist). Congratulations to Vero, Lisa, Kristen, and Stella!!