Perraud quoted on hookah study

AirUCI Project Scientist Veronique Perraud (Finlayson-Pitts research group) is quoted about a study her group performed on the dangers of hookah smoke in comparison to other forms of smoking.  The study is the first to look at the risks of ultrafine particles in hookah smoke, which enter deep into the lungs.  "One of the big myths about hookah usage is that the water in the bowl filters out toxic chemicals, providing a shield for the smoker, Vero notes.  "In the study, we show... that, possibly due to its cooling effect, water actually promotes ultrafine particle formation." 

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AirUCI's Professor James Smith, Professor (and AirUCI Co-Director) Sergey Nizkorodov, with Project Scientist Veronique Perraud


Tuesday, August 13, 2019