
Here's the latest news from AirUCI — our events, our people, our science.



Monday, April 4, 2016

AirUCI faculty Scott Samuelsen is extensively quoted in an article on after he gave a tour of the APEP facility to one of their reporters who writes about renewable energy.  The tour reinforced how APEP, partner institute with AirUCI, works to develop and refine efficient and green power generation.  Read the article

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Work being done by AirUCI co-director Sergey Nizkorodov's research group is cited in an article at, who reviewed a recent paper published in Phys Chem Chem Phys (lead author, Mallory Hinks).  Atmospheric chemistry is almost entirely driven by sunlight, but the group has found that the stickiness of some particles protects them from sunlight in cool and dry conditions.  The findings show toxins trapped inside viscous particles — which are more abundant in cold, dry parts of the atmosphere — may take longer to decompose than expected, with unknown effects on air quality and environmental conditions.  Read the article

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

AirUCI PI Don Blake is quoted in an article on HBO's Vice program web site regarding the impact of cattle and hogs on the environment; specifically, the amount of methane they generate.  Read the article

Friday, February 26, 2016

AirUCI PI Don Blake has been testing the air quality in and around the Aliso Canyon methane leak near Porter Ranch, and his work is referrred to in an article in Smithsonian Magazine along with that of other researchers from UC Irvine, UC Davis, NOAA, and other agencies.    Read the article

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

AirUCI co-Director Sergey Nizkorodov has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to teach and conduct research at the University of Eastern Finland in the fall and winter of 2016-17. Congratulations, Sergey!


Sunday, December 20, 2015

AirUCI graduate student Sandra Blair of the Nizkorodov group has won a 2016 UCI Chancellor's Club Fellowship. These fellowships are awarded to "the brightest and the best graduate students at UCI who also show great promise as future leaders".  Congratulations, Sandy!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

AirUCI Senior Researcher Mike Ezell gave a science demonstration to 5th graders at Hillview Elementary School in Fullerton on December 15, 2015. He introduced concepts of basic chemistry and discussed careers in science.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

AirUCI PI Michael Dennin makes the case for Santa Claus as superhero in an article on, a geek favorite site.  Space and time, matter and energy, Santa is master of these and more.  Thanks for making our Holiday season, Mike! 
Read the article
Read a follow-up article

Monday, November 23, 2015

AirUCI PI Sergey Nizkorodov has been named a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Election to AAAS fellowship is an honor bestowed upon members by their peers.  Congratulations, Sergey!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

AirUCI PI Jim Smith will present a talk in Santa Ana at the November 19th dinner meeting of the American Chemical Society's Orange County Chapter.  The dinner will begin with a social hour at 5:30 pm, and his talk is entitled, "Atmospheric New Particle Formation."
