Two UCI Chemistry students — Michael B. Shaghafi and AirUCI's Emily A. Bruns — were presented with the third annual Michael E. Gebel award at the 2009 Edward K.C. Lee dinner held at the University Club on May 28, 2009. This award is presented to second year graduate students working in environmental chemistry and who have had a period of work before continuing on to graduate school. In addition, Chris Harmon in AirUCI's Nizkorodov group was presented with the Joan Rowland Award. We're very proud of our award winning team, especially our student researchers!
Here's the latest news from AirUCI — our events, our people, our science.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Emily Bruns of the Finlayson-Pitts group has been awarded a very prestigious and hard-to-get National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship. Tom Boatwright in Michael Dennin's group has received an equally prestigious Toxic Substances Research and Teaching Program (TSR&TP) fellowship from the University of California . Way to go, Emily and Tom!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Scientific American has included AirUCI research in an April 7, 2009 slideshow highlighting ten important atmospheric experiments. (Slide number five shows our lab with the flow tube). We are deeply honored! View the slide show here.