Past Events

Below is a list of past events related to AirUCI (sorted with the most recent first).


Event Date: Mon, 04/01/2024

AirUCI Co-Director Sergey Nizkorodov was among the organizers for the Molecular-Level Understanding of Atmospheric Aerosols (MUOAA 2024) workshop and school (opens in a new tab) which took place April 1-5, 2024 in Corsica Island, France.  Among the attendees were AirUCI Project Scientists Lisa Wingen and Veronique Perraud.  The workshop gathered scientists from around the world who are studying atmospherically relevant aerosols at a fundamental level in the laboratory, in the field, and via advanced modelling techniques (...

Event Date: Fri, 03/22/2024

AirUCI faculty Alex Guenther will host Dr. Eliane Alves of Max Planck, Jena who will be visiting on Friday, March 22nd and will give an informal presentation in Croul Hall room 1103 at 2 pm.  Dr. Alves will speak on her recent work on Biogenic volatile organic compounds in the Amazon utilizing Proton Transfer Reaction – Mass Spectrometry and other studies.  She will also meet with AirUCI researchers and tour some of our labs.

Event Date: Tue, 02/13/2024

On February 13th, AirUCI faculty Jun Wu was interviewed about her recent study linking air pollution to depression during and after pregnancy. Her team examinies the influences of various environmental exposures (including air pollution; climate; and built environments such as green space, neighborhood resources, and walkability) on reproductive outcomes (maternal and fetal health), children’s health, and other health endpoints. Her interview with One World, One Health can be heard here....

Event Date: Wed, 02/07/2024

On February 7th AirUCI will host a visit from Prof. Jiachen Zhang of USC who will be giving an ESS seminar.  He previously served at CARB and is interested in speaking with AirUCI members and seeing our labs. 

Event Date: Fri, 01/19/2024

On January 19th AirUCI will host lab tours for 9th and 10th grade students from Chadwick School.  Former AirUCI grad student, Dr. Hayley Glicker, is a teacher at the school where these students are learning about field studies and lab experiments.  They will see demonstrations on our current research that will include some hands-on participation followed by a Q&A session with our researchers.  Four AirUCI research groups will participate with brief descriptions of their projects and demonstrations in the labs.   A panel of our researchers will answer questions from the students as well...

Event Date: Fri, 01/19/2024

On January 19th, AirUCI's AAAR group will host a tour of our labs for local high school students which will include a Q&A session in RH 390 from 3:00-5:00.

Event Date: Thu, 01/11/2024

On January 11 from 3-5 pm in Rowland Hall room 390, AirUCI's AAAR group will hold their first meeting of 2024.  Coffee will be served as presentations are given on current research in selected AirUCI groups.


Event Date: Fri, 12/15/2023

On December 15th AirUCI faculty Jim Smith will host a seminar by Nanna Myllys of the University of Helsinki.  The event will be held in Rowland Hall room 390 at 2:00, talk title TBA.  Nanna is a former postdoc in Jim's group, and we're excited to welcome her back!

Event Date: Fri, 12/08/2023

On December 8th, AirUCI will host a seminar by Prof. Yue Zhao of Shanghai Jiao Tong University at 3:30 in Rowland Hall room 390.  Yue is a former postdoc in the Finlayson-Pitts group and will discuss his group's research on particle formation, peroxides and dimers in particles, aqueous phase SOA, and organosulfates.

Event Date: Thu, 12/07/2023

On December 7-8, AirUCI will host a visit from Prof. Lidia Morawska, Distinguished Professor and Australian Laureate Fellow in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane, Australia.  She is noted as the scientist who shared her research findings with WHO and government health agencies worldwide that the COVID virus was transmitted through breathing.  Prof. Morawska will present a lecture entitled "Air Quality and Public Health: how to “close this discussion” to be held at 3:30 in Natural Sciences building 2 in room...
