Past Events

Below is a list of past events related to AirUCI (sorted with the most recent first).


Event Date: Fri, 09/08/2023

On September 8th, AirUCI's AAAR student chapter will hold a writing workshop hosted by Professor Ann Marie Carlton that will be focused on science writing and presentation.  The meeting will be held from from 1-2 pm in Rowland Hall room 390.  Prof. Carlton will first discuss what makes a good scientific presentation followed by her guidelines on writing scientific papers.  Register using...

Event Date: Wed, 09/06/2023

On September 6, AirUCI's AAAR Student chapter organized a visit to the California Air Resources Board at their Riverside branch.  The group toured the grounds featuring environmental art installations, viewed the testing rooms, toured the labs, heard presentations of the history of CARB and the kinds of research they conduct, and learned about employment options with the agency.


Event Date: Fri, 09/01/2023

On September 1st, AirUCI's AAAR student chapter will hold a writing workshop hosted by Professor Steve Mang that will be focused on professional development.  The meeting will be held from from 1:30 - 3 pm in Rowland Hall room 390.  Attendees are encouraged to bring their CV/resume to the workshop where you will have an opportunity to ask Prof. Mang questions about ways to improve it.  Register using...

Event Date: Wed, 08/23/2023

On August 23rd, 2023, AirUCI presented a Legislators Day event where we invited every elected official representing Orange County from federal, state, county, and City of Irvine offices.  Our intent was to provide policymakers with our latest scientific findings on climate change and air quality issues so they would have accurate, unbiased information as they write and evaluate legislation and guidelines pertaining to these topics.  We also wanted to give them an up-close look at our labs so they could see taxpayer dollars in action.  The response was tremendous with over 25...

Event Date: Thu, 07/13/2023

AirUCI faculty Filipp Furche is hosting a special seminar on July 13th. Professor Yosuke Kanai, from the Department of Chemistry and in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will give a seminar to be held at 1:00 PM in Natural Sciences 2 room 2201 entitled “All-electron BSE@GW method with atom-centered orbital basis” which has application to core electron excitation and extension to condensed matter systems.

Event Date: Tue, 07/11/2023

On July 11th AirUCI hosted a visit from Anthony Falcone, Field Representative for Congresswoman Katie Porter.  She had sent a letter to AirUCI Co-Director Barbara Finlayson-Pitts congratulating Barbara for a recent grant that was awarded to study neonicotinoid pesticides, and Anthony expressed interest in hearing about her research.  Barbara met with him to discuss her research projects in general, then accompanied him as he toured our labs.  We thank Anthony for his interest and for reporting back to Rep. Porter about the importance of what we're doing at AirUCI.


Event Date: Wed, 06/07/2023

AirUCI faculty Jim Randerson will give a talk for UCI's Department of Earth System Science on Wednesday, June 7th at 3:30 pm in Croul Hall room 3101.  The talk is entitled "The weak terrestrial carbon sink hypothesis" and is open to all.

Event Date: Sat, 06/03/2023

UCI's Chemistry Department will hold its 6th Annual Research Saturday on June 3rd and AirUCI will be opening several of our labs for visitation. This event allows chemistry majors and honors organic lab series students to visit prospective research labs, and is an opportunity for faculty to meet potential undergraduate researchers.  AirUCI has participated in the past and we have indeed met a number of undergrads who joined our research teams.  This event has proven very beneficial for students to see the types of research undertaken in the Chemistry Department, especially when students...

Event Date: Mon, 05/08/2023

On Monday, May 8th,  Professor Coty Jen of Carnegie Mellon will be visiting AirUCI and will lead a discussion with AirUCI's AAAR group.  They will meet in Rowland Hall room 390 from 10 - 11:30.  All are welcome to attend.

Event Date: Tue, 05/02/2023

On May 2nd, AirUCI will sponsor a P-Chem lecture given by Alex Laskin of Purdue University (hosted by Sergey Nizkorodov).  This event will be held from 3:30 - 4:30 in Rowland Hall room 104.  His talk is entitled, "Unrecognized Urban Source of Atmospheric Nanoplastic Particles.
