Past Events

Below is a list of past events related to AirUCI (sorted with the most recent first).


Event Date: Thu, 09/30/2021

AirUCI's AAAR student chapter will host an outdoor, in-person welcome back social to kick off the new school year.  This event is to be held on Thursday, September 30th from 4 - 6 PM in the Natural Sciences II Courtyard.  Students and other researchers are invited to come meet friends and colleagues over snacks, drinks, and games.

Event Date: Tue, 09/28/2021

AirUCI's newest Fulbright Fellow, Dr. Thomas Colin Preston, will present a lecture on Tuesday, September 28th at 3:30 in the ISEB auditorium, room 1010.  The lecture is entitled "Cavity-enhanced Raman scattering from optically trapped microdroplets".  Dr. Preston is from the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at McGill University in Quebec and will be with us through the end of 2021.

Event Date: Tue, 09/21/2021

AirUCI Co-Director Barbara Finlayson-Pitts was among the panelists discussing climate issues and research at a Solutions That Scale event for a group of UCI supporters who are interested in environmental research.  Along with Prof. Eric Rignot (Earth System Science), Prof. Richard Matthew (Urban Planning/Public Policy), and Paul Hawken (author, environmentalist, activist), Barbara spoke about air quality and atmospheric changes that affect our climate. The event was moderated by Prof. James Bullock, Dean of UCI's School of Physical Sciences...

Event Date: Wed, 08/18/2021

The City of Irvine is holding a virtual town hall on Wednesday, August 18th at 6:30pm featuring AirUCI Co-Director Barbara Finlayson-Pitts.  The meeting, entitled Quality of Life: Air, is meant to inform residents about the issues related to air quality and climate change.  It will be held via Zoom and all are welcome to attend.   Please RSVP here or visit the Facebook Event Page via this link FB event page for your...

Event Date: Thu, 08/12/2021

Prof. Rachel O'Brien of William and Mary College will give a talk on Thursday, August 12 at 2 pm.  The seminar will be a hybrid meeting in Rowland Hall 390 and also simultaneously broadcast on Zoom (, Meeting ID: 985 3670 4724).  The title of the talk is "Longer term aging of organic aerosol: photobleaching and chemical transformations".

Event Date: Wed, 08/11/2021

Dr. Michael Hawes of Fulbright Canada will visit AirUCI on August 11, 2021 to confer with our directors and campus administration officials about evaluation and continuation of our Fulbright program. 

Event Date: Thu, 06/10/2021 to Fri, 06/11/2021

AirUCI faculty Celia Faiola is co-organizing an upcoming workshop to be held June 10-11, 2021 on behalf of DOE ARM/ASR and in collaboration with the Ameriflux community. Here is the announcement and the event flyer can be viewed here:
Land-Atmosphere Interactions Workshop Announcement - Save the Date
In support of the AmeriFlux “Year of Water Fluxes” and in collaboration with community representation from the U....

Event Date: Wed, 06/02/2021

AirUCI's Internal Synposium will meet via Zoom on Wednesday, June 2nd at noon.  The presenter will be Amirhosein Mousavi (Jun Wu lab) and his talk is entitled "Application of a low-cost sensor network for indoor and outdoor air quality monitoring and exposure assessment in California: multiple case studies".

Event Date: Tue, 06/01/2021

AirUCI faculty Claudia Czimczik will present a lecture sponsored by UCI's Department of Earth System Science entitled "The face of a permafrost-free Arctic".  With global warming, permafrost thaw is contributing to carbon increases in the atmosphere, and Claudia makes the case that future progress in our understanding of the Arctic urgently requires a landscape approach and comprehensive view of land-water-atmosphere interactions.  The virtual talk will be held on Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 1:00 pm and can be accessed at the...

Event Date: Tue, 05/25/2021

On Tuesday, May 25th at 1:00 pm, AirUCI faculty Michael Prather will present a virtual lecture sponsored by UCI's Department of Earth System Science entitled "Atmospheric Chemistry & Transport – A Wrinkle or two in Space-Time ".  Michael points to a selection of disparate issues he and his team have studied that led to unexpected connections and "eureka" moments.   View abstract
