Past Events

Below is a list of past events related to AirUCI (sorted with the most recent first).


Event Date: Fri, 10/30/2020

AirUCI's AAAR student chapter is hosting a virtual Halloween game night and costume contest on Friday, October 30th from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.  This is a good opportunity for first year graduate students to meet people informally and for everyone else to see each other's faces (beneath the costumes)!  Please RSVP to receive a zoom link:

Event Date: Thu, 10/22/2020

The AirUCI Internal Symposium will hold their next meeting on Thursday, October 22nd from 12:30 - 1:30 pm.  These are virtual meetings for grad students, postdocs, and project scientists and they are an excellent opportunity to practice presentations, to learn about AirUCI-related research, and to form collaborations among the AirUCI labs.  The talk, presented by Lia Dam (Smith group) is entitled "Chamber studies of nitrate radical initiated oxidaton of 4 monoterpenes for mechanistic insight."

Event Date: Thu, 10/01/2020 to Thu, 12/03/2020

The AirUCI Internal Symposium has scheduled their fall meetings to be held from 12:30 - 1:30 pm on Thursdays in October, November, and December 2020.  These are virtual meetings for grad students, postdocs, and project scientists and they are an excellent opportunity to practice presentations, to learn about AirUCI-related research, and to form collaborations among the AirUCI labs.  The first meeting is on October 1st and you can register here by ...

Event Date: Mon, 09/14/2020 to Wed, 09/16/2020

The Advanced Power & Energy Program, partner program to AirUCI, will hold its annual ICEPAG 2020 meeting from September 14-16, 2020 as a virtual event.  The theme for this year's International Colloquium on Environmentally Preferred Advanced Power Generation (ICEPAG) is "Hydrogen: A Platform for Sustainability". 
For details and to register for this event

Event Date: Fri, 09/11/2020

AirUCI's AAAR Student Chapter is presenting a series of AAAR-style tutorials on Fridays in July, August, and September. The format will be like those given at the annual conference, presented free of charge. Each tutorial will be an opportunity to learn the basics of topics outside each group's own research. The third tutorial is scheduled for Friday, September 11th from 11 am to 12:30 pm on the topic of Multiphase Process Modeling, taught by Manabu Shiraiwa (RSVP here...

Event Date: Wed, 09/02/2020

On Wednesday, August 3rd at noon, Anteater Insider LIVE explores “The Health of Indoor Air.”  AirUCI faculty Manabu Shiraiwa will discuss the science behind indoor air and COVID-19 transmission.  Matthew Gudorf of UCI Facilities Management will discuss how the university is handling indoor air quality as people return to campus.  Viewers can submit questions for a live Q&A during the program.  Register and watch via Zoom or...

Event Date: Fri, 08/21/2020

AirUCI's AAAR Student Chapter is presenting a series of AAAR-style tutorials on Fridays in July, August, and September. The format will be like those given at the annual conference, presented free of charge. Each tutorial will be an opportunity to learn the basics of topics outside each group's own research. The second tutorial is scheduled for Friday, August 14th from 11 am to 12:30 pm on the topic of Atmospheric Brown Carbon, taught by Sergey Nizkorodov (RSVP here...

Event Date: Wed, 08/05/2020

AirUCI's AAAR chapter has announced a series of upcoming seminars from early career faculty members at research universities.  Each speaker will give a research seminar, after which there will be about 20-30 minutes for a discussion about how they managed their career paths.  These events are great opportunities for graduate students and other researchers to learn how to pursue a faculty position at a research university.
The second seminar will be presented by Professor Tara Kahan of the University of Saskatchewan on Wednesday, August 5th at 11am PDT...

Event Date: Fri, 07/24/2020 to Fri, 09/11/2020

AirUCI's AAAR Student Chapter is announcing a series of AAAR-style tutorials on Fridays in July, August, and September. The format will be like those given at the annual conference, presented free of charge. Each tutorial will be an opportunity to learn the basics of topics outside each group's own research focus. Here is the tutorial schedule:

  • Friday, July 24th from 11-12:30; Atmospheric Nanoparticles, taught by Jim Smith (RSVP here
  • ...
Event Date: Fri, 07/24/2020

AirUCI's AAAR Student Chapter is presenting a series of AAAR-style tutorials on Fridays in July, August, and September. The format will be like those given at the annual conference, presented free of charge. Each tutorial will be an opportunity to learn the basics of topics outside each group's own research. The first tutorial is scheduled for Friday, July 24th from 11 am to12:30 pm on the topic of Atmospheric Nanoparticles, taught by Jim Smith (RSVP here).
