AirUCI faculty Alex Guenther will host a visit by a delegation from NARIT (National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand) and NIDA (National Institute of Development Administration) on August 20th. NARIT became interested in regional air quality research because air pollution interferes with their astronomical observations. They are developing strategies for coping with rising levels of air pollution in Thai cities and are interested in collaborative research activities with UCI. As part of their visit, they will hear a presentation on AirUCI research and tour our labs and they...
Past Events
Below is a list of past events related to AirUCI (sorted with the most recent first).
On August 8, 2019, AirUCI will host several undergraduate Chemistry students from Reed College in a "UCI Day" event to learn about AirUCI research and our Chemistry department in general. We'll give presentations on atmospheric chemistry research and other helpful information as the students consider UCI for graduate school. AirUCI faculty Jim Smith and Professor Julie Fry of Reed College have a collaborative NSF grant and have developed a program between the two campuses that they call the “Near-Peer Mentoring Program” in which they have teamed up nine Reed undergrads with nine UCI...
The AAAR Student Chapter at UCI is presenting workshops in new data analysis tools to enhance research productivity and create figures. Basic skills in Igor will be covered on Tuesday, July 30 in RH 390 from 12-2 pm as part of the Lunch and Learn series, open to undergraduate students, graduate students, postdocs, and research scientists. This workshop will cover Igor installation, data visualization, and basics of using and coding Igor functions. There will be free time to manipulate the dataset and ask questions, so bring your lunch.
Please RSVP...
AirUCI researchers will travel to the offices of the Air Quality Management District on July 26, 2019 to meet with staff, hear presentations on their work, and tour the facility. More than 20 AirUCI faculty, senior researchers, postdocs, and graduate students will drive by coach to Diamond Bar and return in the afternoon. The main organizer of this event is Annie Rohrbacher, grad student in the Finlayson-Pitts group.
The AAAR Student Chapter at UCI is presenting workshops in new data analysis tools to enhance research productivity and create figures. Basic skills in R will be covered on Tuesday, July 23 in RH 390 from 12-2 pm as part of the Lunch and Learn series, open to undergraduate students, graduate students, postdocs, and research scientists. This workshop begins with a guided introduction to the coding application including manipulating datasets, data visualization, and using packages, followed by free time to work with a dataset and ask questions, so bring your lunch.
Please RSVP...
AirUCI will participate in the annual Tech Trek (a one-week science camp for 8th grade girls in STEM) by hosting lab tours, one on July 8th at 1:00 pm and another on July 9th, also at 1:00 pm. AirUCI grad student Allison Vander Wall (Finlayson-Pitts group) is hosting again this year and she has organized hands-on demonstrations in our Rowland Hall 393 lab for the girls. Brenna Biggs, AirUCI grad student in the Blake group, will also address Tech Trek on July 12th for their final assembly, where she will speak about her experience working as a woman in the STEM field.
AirUCI faculty Manabu Shiraiwa is organizing the third annual meeting of the Sloan MOCCIE group to be held June 24-25, 2019 in Chapel Hill, NC. A key part of this group is AirUCI faculty Doug Tobias. The workshop will focus on progress made to date and will also define goals for the coming year.
AirUCI will host a visit from Girl Scout Troop 4591 from Irvine on Friday, June 14th. Project Scientists Lisa Wingen and Veronique Perraud will give a brief presentation of our research and demonstrate some of our lab equipment. The scouts are learning about "the air around us" and one of the requirements is to talk with an environmental scientist.
The upcoming session of the AirUCI internal seminars will be held on Thursday, June 13th from 12:30 - 1:30 PM in Rowland Hall room 390. All graduate students, postdocs, or project scientists who are affiliated with AirUCI are welcome. Talks will be by Laura McCaslin (Gerber research group), "Discovering a new class of reactions in the atmosphere: SN2-type substitution reactions of nitrogen oxides with seawater" and by Brian Hwang (Shiraiwa research group), "Multiphase reactivity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons depends on diffusion limitation and phase separation".
On June 4th, AirUCI faculty Saewong Kim will host Professor Jose Jimenez of the University of Colorado at Boulder, who will give an ESS seminar at 3:30 pm in Croul Hall room 3101. He is an atmospheric chemist working on the development and implementation of aerosol/gas instruments and has been a part of numerous field campaigns. The title of his talk is "Submicron aerosols across the indoor, urban, and remote atmospheres".