On Tuesday, May 21, AirUCI faculty Alex Guenther will host Prof. Frank Keutsch of Harvard University as he presents an ESS seminar. The talk is entitled "Solar geoengineering - taking the edge off climate change?" and will take place in Croul Hall room 3101 at 3:30.
Past Events
Below is a list of past events related to AirUCI (sorted with the most recent first).
The AAAR Student Chapter at UCI is presenting a career panel for Ph.D. students in atmospheric and environmental sciences who may want a career in government/public policy, to be held on Friday, May 17th from 11-12 in Rowland Hall 390. We will be hosting and talking with Maggie Walser of Gulf Research Program and Marc Carreras Sospedra, of South Coast AQMD, both of whom are AirUCI alumni.
AirUCI faculty Celia Faiola will host a seminar by Harri Kokkola of the Finnish Meteorological Institute in Helsinki, Finland on Tuesday, May 14th from noon - 1 pm in Rowland Hall room 390. The talk title is “Direct and indirect radiative effects of semivolatile aerosol compounds”.
On May 14th, 2019, AirUCI faculty Michael Prather will give a lecture entitled, "Chemical Reactivity of the Remote Atmosphere Derived from the NASA Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)." The talk begins at 3 pm in Croul Hall room 3101 and will give an overview of the ATom mission which has constructed the first photochemical climatology of the remote troposhere, compiled using data from several years of flight transects across the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans in specially equipped planes. This talk will focus on the core set of species that control the primary photochemical reactivity of...
AirUCI will be well represented at the annual ISKPPA meeting to be held May 10, 2019 at the University of California, Riverside. Several of our research groups are attending and will be presenting talks and posters at the event.
The upcoming session of the AirUCI internal seminars will be held on Thursday, May 9th from 12:30 - 1:30 PM in Rowland Hall room 390. All graduate students, postdocs, or project scientists who are affiliated with AirUCI are welcome. Talks will be by Kara Kapnas (Murray research group), "Vibrational predissociation of dynamics of the HC1 dimer via the first overtone" and by Daun Jeong (Kim research group), "Nitryl chloride in the Seoul metropoitan area during KORUS-AQ 2016".
On Tuesday, May 7th, AirUCI will host a seminar by Dr. Thomas Kühn of the Finnish Meteorological Institute in Helsinki, Finland, which will be held from noon to 1 pm in Rowland Hall room 390. The title of his talk is “Implementation of a volatility basis set in ECHAM-HAM-SALSA”.
AirUCI's AAAR Student Chapter is beginning a series of meetings that feature panels discussing careers after achieving a degree in Chemistry. This series of career panels will feature UCI Ph.D alumni who have an established career in academia, industry, or public policy/government. Attendees will be able to ask these panelists questions pertaining to their pathways to get to their current career and about their current position and its work/life balance. The format of each event will begin with panelists introducing themselves, their research at UCI, pathway to their current career, and...
AirUCI's AAAR Student Chapter at UCI will be hosting a Q&A session with Dr. Adam Bateman on Friday, May 3rd, from noon to 1 in Rowland Hall room 390. Dr. Bateman did his Ph.D. work with Prof. Nizkorodov from 2006-2011, and currently works at Lam Research in Fremont, CA. He also owns his own consulting firm, Aerosol Technologies LLC.
AirUCI will host a seminar by Dr. Andy Ault of the University of Michigan to be held on Monday, April 29, 2019 at 10 am in Rowland Hall room 390. His talk is entitled "Dropping Acid in the Atmosphere: Is It Just a Phase?"