The AirUCI Internal Symposium has scheduled a meeting on Thursday, February 27th in Rowland Hall room 390 from 12:30 - 1:30 for grad students, postdocs, and project scientists. These meetings are an excellent opportunity to learn about AirUCI-related research and to form collaborations among the AirUCI labs. Light lunch is provided, and the speakers are Sanjeevi Nagalingam (Guenther group) on BVOC Response of Terrestrial Vegetation to Moderate and Extreme Heat Stress Events, and Natalie Smith (Nizkorodov group) on Highly Viscous Secondary Organic Aerosol from Healthy and Stressed Pine...
Past Events
Below is a list of past events related to AirUCI (sorted with the most recent first).
The AAAR Student Chapter at UCI, founded and run by AirUCI students, is starting a journal club. Their first meeting will be held Thursday, February 20th from 3 - 4:15 in Rowland Hall room 390. The format of the club is as follows: one group hosts each month. The hosting group will have a PI or project scientist select a paper and facilitate discussion. They will also provide some insight into what they look for in papers.
The hosts for the first meeting will be the Smith group, and a discussion article will be sent out prior to the meeting. Grad students don't generally...
In 2019 AirUCI organized an informal group from physics and chemistry which has met several times to talk about planetary atmospheres, and in particular, exoplanets. We have invited speakers in this area of study, and our first visitor is Professor Sarah Horst from Johns Hopkins who will give a PChem talk about the atmosphere of Titan on February 18th at 3:30 pm in Rowland Hall Room 104.
The AirUCI Internal Symposium has scheduled a meeting on Thursday, January 30th in Rowland Hall room 390 from 12:30 - 1:30 for grad students, postdocs, and project scientists. These meetings are an excellent opportunity to learn about AirUCI-related research and to form collaborations among the AirUCI labs. Light lunch is provided, and the speakers are Shupeng Zhu (Samuelsen group) on Vehicle Emission Regulations Save Lives in California, and Jonathon Babila (Carlton group) on Aerosol Liquid Water Chemistry and Risk Bias in Particle Health Studies.
On Tuesday January 7th, AirUCI faculty Craig Murray will be hosting a visit from a group of high school students as part of his Teacher-in-Residence outreach program. Along with lab tours and discussions that day, their symposium will be held in Rowland Hall room 390 beginning at 11 am.
On December 16-17, 2019, AirUCI will host a visit from Prof. Tao Wang of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He will be meeting with AirUCI faculty to discuss air quality research and tour our labs, and he will give a talk entitled "N2O5 heterogeneous uptake, chlorine activation and their impact on air quality" to be held on Tuesday, December 17 from noon - 1 pm in Rowland Hall room 390.
AirUCI will host a seminar by Shao-Meng Li of the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, on Monday, December 16 from noon - 1 pm in Rowland Hall room 390. His talk is entitled "Emissions and Transformation of Oil Sands Air Pollutants Using Aircraft Measurements" (he is working with Environment Canada on this project).
The AirUCI Internal Symposium has scheduled a meeting on Thursday, November 21st in Rowland Hall room 390 from 12:30 - 1:30 for grad students, postdocs, and project scientists. These meetings are an excellent opportunity to learn about AirUCI-related research and to form collaborations among the AirUCI labs. Light lunch is provided, and the speakers are Yan Zhao (McDonnell group in APEP) discussing his work on the effects of renewable gas content on stove top combustion, and Danielle Draper (Smith group) presenting her research on semivolatile organonitrates in nanoparticles at Hyytiälä...
AirUCI's AAAR chapter will hold an event on Monday, November 18th hosting a grad school application editing session for undergrads who are applying to graduate schools. The event will take place from 2-4 pm in Rowland Hall 390.
AirUCI faculty Kim and Michael Fortun will present a seminar on November 12th from 12:30 to 1:30 in Rowland Hall room 390. Bring your lunch while you listen to their talk, entitled "Air Pollution Science and Governance, Multi-scale and Multi-site: Historical and Ethnographic Approaches."
Kim and Michael are two of our newest AirUCI faculty members, having recently joined the UC Irvine School of Social Sciences, and they bring fascinating new approaches to AirUCI research.