AirUCI grad student Sukriti Kapur is volunteering as a judge for entries in the OC Science and Engineering Fair (OCSEF), an annual event organized to encourage middle school and high school students of Orange County to learn about science and consider a career in science or engineering. This year the fair is virtual, and Sukriti has been reviewing projects and interviewing students participating in the event.
Past Events
Below is a list of past events related to AirUCI (sorted with the most recent first).
In March 2021, AirUCI faculty Kim Fortun co-organized a five-session, international and interdisciplinary symposium commemorating the tenth anniversary of the Fukushima disaster. She gave the introductory lecture, entitled "From Bhopal to Fukushima and Next Generation Disaster Governance" on March 1st which led off the open seminar series.
AirUCI will host the 38th Informal Symposium on Kinetics and Photochemical Processes in the Atmosphere meeting in Spring, 2022 — location and date are still to be determined but will likely be in late February or early March. Details to follow.
The AirUCI internal symposium group will meet virtually on Thursday, February 25th at 12:30 pm for exciting gas and particle talks from Tommaso Galeazzo (post doc, Shiraiwa group) and Alex Jarnot (grad student, Blake group). Tommaso's talk is entitled, "Estimation of Secondary Organic Aerosol Viscosity from Explicit Modeling of Gas-Phase Oxidation of Isoprene and α-pinene" and Alex's talk is entitled, "The Impact of Smoke on Boundary Layer Trace Gas Abundance in the California Central Valley". Zoom link:
The 37th Annual Informal Symposium on Kinetics and Photochemical Processes in the Atmosphere (ISKPPA) has been rescheduled to be held virtually on Friday, February 19, 2021 and will be hosted by Cal-State Fullerton. AirUCI students and faculty will give several presentations and poster talks, as we do each year at this event, with the additional challenge of participating remotely. AirUCI faculty Manabu Shiraiwa is one of the featured speakers at the event. More details to follow.
The AirUCI Internal Symposium will hold their next meeting on Thursday, February 11th from 12:30 - 1:30 pm. These are virtual meetings for grad students, postdocs, and project scientists and they are an excellent opportunity to practice presentations, to learn about AirUCI-related research, and to form collaborations among the AirUCI labs. Two back-to-back ultrafine aerosol talks will be given: from Mike Lawler (project scientist, Smith and Saltzman labs) and Sabrina Chee (grad student, Smith lab). Mike's talk is entitled "Ultrafine aerosol formation in the high Arctic" and Sabrina's...
AirUCI faculty Jim Smith was the featured guest on "The People of Physical Sciences" podcast on February 2, 2021. Jim was asked about his background, his important work on masks in this COVID era, and his designation as a "nanaerosologist". Go to the podcast
The AirUCI Internal Symposium will hold their next meeting on Thursday, December 3rd from 12:30 - 1:30 pm. These are virtual meetings for grad students, postdocs, and project scientists and they are an excellent opportunity to practice presentations, to learn about AirUCI-related research, and to form collaborations among the AirUCI labs. Two presentations will be given: by Annie Rohrbacher (Finlayson-Pitts group) entitled "Matrix effects on heterogeneous photochemistry of neonicotinoids" and by Farzaneh Khalaj (Faiola group) entitled "Atmo-ecometabolomics of healthy and herbivore-...
The AirUCI Internal Symposium will hold their next meeting on Thursday, November 19th from 12:30 - 1:30 pm. These are virtual meetings for grad students, postdocs, and project scientists and they are an excellent opportunity to practice presentations, to learn about AirUCI-related research, and to form collaborations among the AirUCI labs. Two presentations will be given: by Ying Li (Shiraiwa group) entitled "Diurnal and seasonal variations of secondary organic aerosol phase state over the contiguous US simulated in CMAQ" and by Mooji Boldbaatar (Carlton group) entitled "Impact of...
The AirUCI Internal Symposium will hold their next meeting on Thursday, November 5th from 12:30 - 1:30 pm. These are virtual meetings for grad students, postdocs, and project scientists and they are an excellent opportunity to practice presentations, to learn about AirUCI-related research, and to form collaborations among the AirUCI labs. The talk, presented by John Patterson (Saltzmann/Aydin group) is entitled, "The atmospheric history of H2 from Antarctic firn air." Zoom ID: 996 3158 1095