The AirUCI Internal Symposium has scheduled a meeting on Thursday, November 7th in Rowland Hall room 390 from 12:30 - 1:30 for grad students, postdocs, and project scientists. These meetings are an excellent opportunity to learn about AirUCI-related research and to form collaborations among the AirUCI labs. Light lunch is provided, and this week the speakers are Allison Vander Wall (Finlayson-Pitts group) talking about her work in understanding SOA particles through the use of molecular probes, and Michael (Kleinman group) talking about his research on interactions between human skin and...
Past Events
Below is a list of past events related to AirUCI (sorted with the most recent first).
AirUCI postdoc Murat Aydin (Saltzman group) will give a talk on Tuesday, November 5th at 3:30 pm in Croul Hall room 3101 (Jenkins Room). His talk is entitled "Atmospheric records of carbonyl sulfide, methyl chloride, and acetylene during the Holocene from polar ice cores." Direct evidence exists for large changes in fire emissions that can drive the observed increases in trace gas levels. These results have broader implications as fires are a source of most atmospheric trace gases and aerosols.
AirUCI Co-Director Barbara Finlayson-Pitts has been invited to give two talks at the University of Pittsburgh for the 33rd Annual Frederick Kaufman Memorial Lecture Series. The first presentation, entitled "Atmospheric Chemistry in the Anthropocene: SOx, NOx and Rocks"will be held on October 31, 2019 and the second, entitled "Melding of Experiment and Theory as the Bedrock of Understanding Current Atmospheric Chemistry Problems" will be given on November 1, 2019.
The AirUCI Internal Symposium has scheduled a meeting on Thursday, October 24th in Rowland Hall room 390 from 12:30 - 1:30 for grad students, postdocs, and project scientists. These meetings are an excellent opportunity to learn about AirUCI-related research and to form collaborations among the AirUCI labs. Light lunch is provided. Natalia Karimova (Gerber group) is presenting her theoretical work on N2O5 and their reactions with ions in water, and Deanna Myers (Smith group) is presenting her work on characterizing and developing a Variable Residence Tandem Differential Mobility...
AirUCI visiting researcher Andreas Zuend of McGill University in Quebec will present the Chemistry Department's PCHEM seminar on Tuesday, October 22nd from 3.30 - 4.30 in Rowland Hall room 104. The talk title is TBD.
After a summer break, the AirUCI Internal Symposium will resume meetings this week for grad students, postdocs, and project scientists. The first meeting will be held on Thursday, October 3rd in Rowland Hall room 390 from 12:30 - 1:30. These meetings are an excellent opportunity to learn about AirUCI-related research and to form collaborations among the AirUCI labs. Light lunch is provided.
At this meeting, Jinlai Wei and Dr. Ting Fang, both from the Shiraiwa group, will talk about their work on reactive oxygen species (ROS). Jinlai will be talking about his research on...
Dr. Yoshizumi Kajii of Kyoto University in Japan will be hosted by AirUCI in a lecture on September 26th to be held in Rowland Hall room 390 at 4 pm. The title of his lecture is "Ozone formation regime considering the HOx cycle and radical uptake by aerosols". Prof. Kajii will also be spending time meeting with AirUCI researchers and touring our labs.
AirUCI will host a seminar by Dr. Tran Nguyen of UC Davis to be held August 30, 2019 from 12-1 pm in Rowland Hall room 390. Her talk is entitled, “Alpha-pinene + NO3 reaction: dependence of secondary organic aerosol formation on the fates of the RO2 radicals”.
From August 25 - 29, 2019, a large contingent of researchers from several AirUCI groups will attend and present research results at the American Chemical Society International Workshop in San Diego. Team members from faculty to undergrads will be sharing their posters, speaking to sessions, and attending various workshops at the event.
AirUCI co-Director Sergey Nizkorodov is co-convener of a symposium entitled “Fundamental Chemical Processes Common to Dissolved Organic Matter and Atmospheric Organic Aerosols”, which will take place at the 258th meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Diego CA, August 25-29, 2019. This symposium seeks to bring environmental and atmospheric scientists together to help bridge the topics of aquatic chemistry and aerosol chemistry. The confirmed invited speakers in this symposium include AirUCI faculty Annmarie Carlton and AirUCI collaborators and/or hosted guests Cort Anastasio (UC...