Past Events

Below is a list of past events related to AirUCI (sorted with the most recent first).


Event Date: Thu, 02/14/2019

The third session of the AirUCI internal seminars is happening Thursday, February 14th from 12:30 - 1:30 PM in Rowland Hall room 390.  At this meeting, Brenna Biggs from the Blake group is talking about her research about manure and its impact on the California methane budget, and Jared Bruce from the Hemminger group is talking about his research using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to look into the air-water interface.  All are welcome!

Event Date: Thu, 01/31/2019

The second in the ongoing series of talks of the AirUCI Internal Symposium is happening on January 31st at 12:30 PM in Rowland Hall 390.  Danielle Draper and Sabrina Chee from the Smith group will be talking about their research: Danielle about her work with nitrate radical oxidation of monoterpenes and Sabrina about how acid-base chemistry is involved in nanoparticle growth.  All are welcome to attend!  The group will be meeting regularly to continue discussions from the AirUCI research retreat, build new collaborations, and find ways to maximize use of equipment available throughout the...

Event Date: Mon, 01/28/2019

AirUCI Assistant Specialist Shahir Masri (in the Jun Wu research group) will present a lecture on January 28th entitled, "On the Road for Climate Action: Highlights from a national outreach project."  The talk will be held at noon in the Calit2 auditorium. 
Over a three-month period in summer 2018, Shahir traveled across 36 U.S. states in order to raise public awareness about climate change and assess climate change sentiment around the country.  He gave presentations to numerous groups and ordinary...

Event Date: Mon, 01/28/2019

AirUCI will host Prof. Kerri Pratt of the University of Michigan in a lecture to be held at 4 pm on January 28th in Rowland Hall room 390.  The title of her talk is "Chemistry on Ice: Shedding Light on Arctic Halogen Photochemistry".

Event Date: Fri, 01/18/2019

AirUCI graduate students have taken the lead in forming an American Association for Aerosol Research Student Chapter at UCI.   This organization was formed in December, 2018 and is intended to provide a platform to connect students and faculty of similar aerosol interests at UCI, and to support graduate students in their academic endeavors.  We aim to be a resource for primarily graduate students to develop skills outside of doing research and better prepare grad students for successful careers.


Event Date: Thu, 01/17/2019

After AirUCI hosted our most recent Researchers Retreat at the Lake Arrowhead Conference Center in September 2018, the attendees organized themselves into an ongoing group called the AirUCI Internal Symposium.  They will be meeting regularly to continue the discussions from the retreat, build new collaborations, and find ways to maximize use of equipment available throughout the different AirUCI research groups.  To that end, they compiled a list of the equipment available in each research group to foster collaboration and enable experiments that might not otherwise be possible without...

Event Date: Tue, 01/15/2019

AirUCI hosted an informal lunch meeting on November 20, 2018 — a first at UCI, intended to bring together atmospheric chemists, Physics and Astrophysics faculty, ESS faculty, and faculty from Molecular Biology Biochemistry to discuss potential overlaps in exoplanet science, particularly issues associated with atmospheres.  The meeting was so successful that an informal group has been formed to continue these conversations.
The group's second meeting will be a brown bag lunch to be held on Tuesday, January 15th at noon in Rowland Hall room 390. 

Event Date: Tue, 01/08/2019

Although it won't be on January 8th, look for an AirUCI seminar to be presented by Dr. Kerry Pratt of the University of Michigan – the initial date had to be shifted to a Monday in early 2019, beginning at 1 pm in Rowland Hall room 390. Talk title and date TBA soon.


Event Date: Wed, 12/12/2018 to Fri, 12/14/2018

Prof. Jim Smith's Ultrafine Aerosol Group hosted an AirUCI workshop on Aerosol Dynamics, taught by Prof. Pete McMurry of the University of Minnesota. The workshop took place December 12-14, 2018 at the James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve near Idyllwild, California. During the workshop the group learned how to use a sectional code for calculating the time-dependent evolution of an aerosol particle size distribution. It was a lot of fun and we hope to have a chance to organize additional workshops in the future!


Event Date: Tue, 12/11/2018

AirUCI will host Prof. Theo Kurten from the University of Helsinki in Finland.  He will be visiting AirUCI faculty Jim Smith for the week of December 10th and will present an AirUCI seminar at 1 pm on December 11th in Rowland Hall room 390.  Prof. Kurten is well known for applying computational techniques to studying atmospheric chemistry reaction mechanisms and has been very effective at bridging calculations with experiment.  The title of his talk is “Computational insights into formation mechanisms and properties of atmospheric autoxidation products.”
