U.S. Army scientist Dr. Laura Krnavek will meet with AirUCI's Finlayson-Pitts research group and tour our labs on September 26, 2018.
Past Events
Below is a list of past events related to AirUCI (sorted with the most recent first).
AirUCI will once again host a research retreat for the graduate students, postdocs, project scientists, and researchers in our institute. The two-day retreat will be held at the Lake Arrowhead Conference Center from September 24-26, 2018 with transportation provided to and from UCI. Attendees will give presentations and participate in discussions about ongoing research projects. Past retreats have yielded new collaborations and new research ideas that have greatly benefited AirUCI as well as the individual attendees. To register for this event, please contact...
AirUCI co-Director Barbara Finlayson-Pitts will give the 2018 Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecture at Purdue University on September 19th. Her talk is entitled "Climate Change, Crud... and Crises?"
Dr. Nanna Myllys, postdoc in AirUCI's Jim Smith and Benny Gerber groups, will present a tutorial about using Atmospheric Cluster Dynamic Code (ACDC) on August 28 at 2 pm in Rowland Hall room 390. ACDC is a tool used to study new-particle formation, able to simulate cluster kinetics and population dynamics; this means for instance, cluster evaporation rates, cluster distribution, particle formation rate, step-by-step growth pathways, etc. All are welcome to attend.
AirUCI faculty Manabu Shiraiwa is organizing an outreach event for high school students to be held on campus August 14 -17, 2018. Presentations on AirUCI research, atmospheric chemistry, careers in science, and other topics will be held in Rowland Hall room 390 at various times during the event.
AirUCI faculty Manabu Shiraiwa is organizing the second annual meeting of the Sloan MOCCIE group to be held June 21-22, 2018 in Austin, TX. A key part of this group is AirUCI faculty Doug Tobias. The workshop will focus on progress made to date and will also define goals for the coming year.
AirUCI will host Dr. Thomas Berkemeier from Georgia Tech and the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (Mainz, Germany) as he presents a seminar at noon on June 13, 2018 in Rowland Hall 390. The talk is entitled "Formation and evaporation of organic aerosol from a kinetic modeling perspective."
AirUCI will host a seminar by Prof. Peter DeCarlo of Drexel University at noon on June 8 in Rowland Hall room 390. His talk title is: "Thirdhand smoke, people, and other contributions to aerosol mass in the indoor environment."
AirUCI faculty Celia Faiola is among the organizers of the UCI Climate Solutions Summit to be held May 30, 2018 at the Beckman Center. The summit will facilitate interactions among UCI researchers, community leaders, stakeholders, and decision makers, soliciting input on community needs regarding climate issues. Breakout session topics include oceans, water, energy, land management, education, technology, health, economy, community, and infrastructure. Registration deadline is May 21st. Details and registration
On Wednesday, May 23rd, AirUCI will host Dr. Tad Kleindienst, a well-known atmospheric chemist at the EPA, as he meets with AirUCI researchers and participates in a lunchtime roundtable at noon in Rowland Hall 390. Please RSVP to Melissa Sweet (949-824-2628) if you would like to attend the lunch discussion.