Past Events

Below is a list of past events related to AirUCI (sorted with the most recent first).


Event Date: Sat, 01/28/2017

On Saturday, January 28, at Irvine Valley College, AirUCI graduate student Kurtis Malecha will serve as a judge at the Astounding Inventions™ Contest.  This is an invention competition for elementary and middle school students from the Irvine Unified and Tustin Unified School Districts where they present an impressive display of creative and imaginative innovations.

Event Date: Tue, 01/24/2017

On January 24, 2017, AirUCI will host lab tours for a group of 25 undergraduates from the Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University, China.


Event Date: Thu, 11/10/2016

As part of AirUCI's EACCO outreach endeavor, on Thursday, November 10th we will host a Skype talk by Dr. Tracy Caldwell Dyson, NASA astronaut and former grad student in the Hemminger and Finlayson-Pitts research groups.  The talk will begin at noon in Rowland Hall room 390.  She will be speaking about her career path and experiences as an astronaut.

Event Date: Fri, 11/04/2016

Kurtis Malecha, graduate student in AirUCI's Nizkorodov group, will answer scince questions for afterschool providers at a “Meet & Greet” event on November 4, 2016.  The event will be held at the Garden Grove Boys and Girls Club (Main Branch) and is part of a professional development opportunity for afterschool providers called the “STEM Factory” which is organized by ScienceOC

Event Date: Tue, 10/25/2016

On October 25, 2016, AirUCI will host a lecture by Dr. Coty Jen of the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management at UC Berkeley.  Her expertise is in chemical ionization mass spectrometry and measurements and modeling molecular clusters and gases that are important for atmospheric nucleation.  The talk will be held at 1:30 in Rowland Hall 390; the title of the talk is "Atmospheric Nucleation: Formation of Sulfuric Acid Clusters Stabilized by Amines".

Event Date: Mon, 10/17/2016

AirUCI will host a visit by Corona High School in a presentation about our research and tours of our labs on October 17, 2016.  Teacher Bianca Pantoja, who completed our AirUCI Summer Teacher Workshop in 2011, will bring Honors students who are interested in science, particularly Biomedicine, as a field of study in college.  The tour will include research groups in the departments of Chemistry, Biology, Earth Systems Sciences, and Engineering.

Event Date: Thu, 10/13/2016

On Thursday, October 13, 2016 at Rancho San Joaquin Middle School, AirUCI researchers Dr. Sambhav Kumbhani, Michelle Fairhurst, and Kristine Arquero participated in the 36th Annual Irvine Unified School District's Science Fair in the Ask-A-Scientist Night. They spoke with educators, parents, and students about topics such as climate change, air quality, careers in science, and chemistry.

Event Date: Fri, 09/16/2016

As part of AirUCI's EACCO outreach endeavor, on Friday, June 10th we will host Dr. Andrew Martinez of the California Air Resources Board.  He will be speaking about his career path to the position he currently holds.  The lecture will begin at noon in Rowland Hall room 390.  We are happy to welcome Andrew back to AirUCI, as he was a postdoc in the Dabdub group.

Event Date: Fri, 08/26/2016

As part of AirUCI's EACCO outreach endeavor, on Friday, June 10th we will host a talk by Dr. Jane Gansky of Pepperdine University at noon in Rowland Hall room 390.  She will be speaking about her career path and experiences as a professor of chemistry.

Event Date: Fri, 08/26/2016

AirUCI Director Barbara Finlayson-Pitts has served for the past year as Co-Chair of the National Academies of Science committee that gathered input, studied the state of atmospheric chemistry research, and wrote the report for NAS.  She will speak on Friday, August 26, 2017 from 11:00-12:00 EDT in Washington D.C. at the release event for this new Academies’ report, The Future of Atmospheric Chemistry Research: Remembering Yesterday, Understanding Today, Anticipating Tomorrow.  ...
