Past Events

Below is a list of past events related to AirUCI (sorted with the most recent first).


Event Date: Fri, 08/19/2016

As part of AirUCI's EACCO outreach endeavor, on Friday, August 19th we will host a talk via Skype by Dr. Chris Harmon of California State University, Humboldt at 11 am in Rowland Hall room 390.  He will be speaking about his career path and experiences as a professor of chemistry.  We welcome Chris back to AirUCI as he was a graduate student and received his Ph.D. in the Nizkorodov group.

Event Date: Thu, 08/18/2016

Prof. Hans-Joachim (Hajo) Freund, who is visiting us from the Fritz-Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, will give a special seminar on Thursday, August 18, 2016 entitled "Models for Heterogeneous Catalysts: Complex Materials at the Atomic Level" at 2 pm in Natural Sciences building 2, room 3201.

Event Date: Thu, 08/11/2016

AirUCI's John Hemminger is hosting a long term visit by Prof. Hans-Joachim (Hajo) Freund, of the Fritz-Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin.  Dr. Freund will give a special seminar on Thursday, August 11, 2016 entitled "Oxide Surface Chemistry: From Single Crystals to Thin Films" at 2 pm in Natural Sciences 2 room 1201.

Event Date: Tue, 08/02/2016 to Thu, 08/04/2016

AirUCI postdoctoral scholar Sambhav Kumbhani will participate in the StemQuest: PBL Institute at Brandman University in Irvine on August 2nd and 4th, 2016.  At this event, hosted by Science OC, he will be discussing strategies for developing students’ 21st century competency skills, such as collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity, and innovation.  Key questions to be discussed will be:  What skills are students learning that would be beneficial in college or in our workplace?  How does a project foster critical thinking and creativity?  What opportunities are there for...

Event Date: Tue, 08/02/2016 to Wed, 08/03/2016

Dr. Jack Kaye, Associate Director for Research of the Earth Science Division in NASA, will be visiting Irvine on August 2nd and 3rd for end-of-program presentations by students in the Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) in which AirUCI PI Don Blake participates.  He has kindly offered to meet with AirUCI graduate students during his visit to discuss career paths and offer his experiences and advice.

Event Date: Mon, 08/01/2016

AirUCI Co-Director Sergey Nizkorodov is hosting a visit from Professor Xin Yang from Fudan University in Shanghai, China on August 1, 2016.  He will hear about our research, tour our labs, and meet with our faculty as well as our research team.

Event Date: Fri, 07/29/2016

As part of AirUCI's EACCO outreach endeavor, Dr. Shannon Regli will visit on Friday, July 29th at noon.  Dr. Regli teaches chemistry and AP chemistry at Troy High School in Fullerton and will be discussing the rewards and challenges of teaching science.  She did her graduate research here at UCI with Bill Reeburgh on methane emissions in Alaska.  She also participated in AirUCI's summer teacher workshop and annually brings her students to UCI's Chemistry Department for lab tours.

Event Date: Fri, 07/29/2016

On Friday, July 29, 2016, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Fellows will present a webinar entitiled "Creating Space for University Students to Build Skills in Science Policy" hosted by the Engaging Scientists and Engineers in Policy (ESEP) Coalition, and to be aired at 11 am Pacific time.  ESEP is an ad-hoc coalition of organizations formed in 2013 aiming to empower scientists and engineers to effectively engage in the policy making process at all levels of government.
This webinar will feature Bill Bonvillian of MIT and Francis...

Event Date: Fri, 07/22/2016

As part of AirUCI's EACCO outreach endeavor, on Friday, July 22nd we will host Dr. Tran Nguyen of the University of California, Davis.  She will be speaking about her career path to academia.  The lecture will begin at noon in Rowland Hall room 390.  We are happy to welcome Tran back to AirUCI, as she earned her PhD in the Nizkorodov group.

Event Date: Fri, 07/15/2016

As part of AirUCI's EACCO outreach endeavor, on Friday, July 15th we will host Dr. Sherri Hunt of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  She will be speaking about her career path and working in Washington D.C.  The lecture will begin at 10:30 am in Rowland Hall room 390.  We are happy to welcome Sherri back to AirUCI, as she was a postdoc in the Finlayson-Pitts group.
